The Works hit by cyber attack, closes some stores


Sharecast News | 05 Apr, 2022

17:21 06/03/25

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Stationery and craft supplies retailer The Works said on Tuesday that it has been forced to close some of its stores after a cyber attack involving its computer systems, but insisted customer data had not been compromised.

The company said there has been some limited disruption to trading and business operations, including the closure of some stores due to till issues. Replenishment deliveries to stores were suspended temporarily and the normal delivery window for the fulfilment of online orders was extended. However, store deliveries are expected to resume imminently and the normal online service levels are progressively being reintroduced.

The Works said customers can continue to shop safely both in store and online. It noted that all debit and credit card payment data are processed securely via accredited third-party networks, meaning there is no risk that payment data has been accessed improperly.

The retailer said it does not currently expect the incident to have a material adverse impact on its forecasts or financial position.

As a precautionary measure, it has disabled all internal and external access to its systems, including email, while it works with its advisors to evaluate and rectify the situation. The company has also appointed external forensic cyber security experts and made some immediate protective changes to further strengthen its security position.

"Whilst payment data has not been compromised, it has not yet been possible to establish the full extent to which any other data may have been affected," it said. "Therefore, as a precautionary measure, we have informed the Information Commissioner's Office."

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