UK National Broadband Scheme 2016-20 approved by European Commission


Sharecast News | 26 May, 2016

Updated : 19:29

The UK National Broadband Scheme for 2016-2020 complies with European Union's state-aid rules, the European Commission has decided.

The decision, reached about a month after the commission was notified of the scheme, endorsed the UK's plans to support the roll-out of high-speed broadband infrastructure.

"The scheme will ensure roll-out of NGA (next-generation access) broadband to as many UK homes and businesses as possible, in order to extend coverage as far as possible across the UK," said the commission in a statement. "It will be valid until 31 December 2020."

EC's state-aid assessment, which was based on the 2013 Broadband Guidelines, aimed to ensure, amongst other things, that public funding did not take the place of private investment.

As part of its Digital Single Market strategy, one of the commission's key priorities was to support broadband roll-out in under-served areas to ensure a high level of connectivity within the euro zone.

Currently, with 91% of households covered by high-speed broadband (at least 30 Mbps), the UK was well above the EU average of 71%, the commission said.

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