Cabinet reshuffle: Gove, Morgan, Whittingdale, Letwin sacked


Sharecast News | 14 Jul, 2016

Updated : 19:16

A handful of ministers were sacked from the Conservative government on Thursday as new Prime Minister Theresa May continued to form her cabinet.

Justice secretary Michael Gove, education secretary Nicky Morgan, culture secretary John Whittingdale and chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Oliver Letwin all lost their jobs as part of the reshuffle. Current health secretary Jeremy Hunt will reportedly move to a new portfolio.

Gove - a prominent 'Leave' campaigner in the EU referendum - ran against May in the leadership contest but failed to get past the second round, coming third in a vote by Conservative party MPs. Gove appeared to scupper Boris Johnson’s chance to run for prime minister when he launched his own bid by saying he didn't believe Johnson was capable of leading the country.

Nicky Morgan, who was also minister for women and equalities, supported Gove in the leadership contest.

On Wednesday, Philip Hammond was appointed Chancellor after George Osborne was sacked, Johnson was appointed foreign minister, David Davis ‘Brexit secretary’, Liam Fox, international trade secretary and Amber Rudd home secretary. Michael Fallon was the only one, so far, to keep his job as defence secretary.

Further appointments are expected on Thursday.

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