Gove "wild", May "bloody difficult" and Leadsom's views "extremely stupid" - Ken Clarke


Sharecast News | 05 Jul, 2016

Updated : 17:02

"Bloody difficult," "wild," and "extremely stupid" views are just some of the thoughts of Tory party heavyweight Ken Clarke expressed on a trinity of contenders for the Conservative party's throne.

Speaking in an unguarded, off-air moment, Clarke revealed perhaps more than intended on three Tory hopefuls vying for the job of Prime Minister -- Michael Gove, Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom.

The Tories have been thrown into a leadership chaos after the 23 June Brexit referendum, which saw the leave campaign narrowly overturn that for remaining in the European Union.

Clarke was caught on camera and microphone at Sky News' Westminster studio, in conversation with fellow Tory big-hitter Sir Malcolm Rifkind.

"I don't mind who wins as long as Gove comes third. As long as Gove doesn't come in the final two I don't mind what happens," Sir Malcolm told Clarke at the start of the conversation.


Clarke: "I don't think the membership will vote for Gove. I remember being in a discussion about something to do with somewhere like Syria or Iraq and he was so wild that I remember exchanging looks with Liam Fox," Sky reported.

"We were exchanging views and Liam was raising eyebrows," he said in the broadcaster's clip.

"I think with Michael as prime minister we'd go to war with at least three countries at once.

"He did us all a favour by getting rid of Boris (Johnson). The idea of Boris as prime minister is ridiculous."


Clarke: "I don't think either Andrea Leadsom or Boris Johnson actually are in favour of leaving the European Union," Sky reported.

Sir Malcolm: "Well I don't think they even cared very much either way."

Clarke: "She is not one of the tiny band of lunatics who think we can have a sort of glorious economic future outside the single market.

"So long as she understands that she's not to deliver on some of the extremely stupid things she's been saying."


Clarke: "Theresa is a bloody difficult woman but you and I worked with Margaret Thatcher (laughs).

"I get on all right with her ... and she is good.

"She's been at the Home Office far too long, so I only know in detail what her views are on the Home Office.

"She doesn't know much about foreign affairs."

Fox and Stephen Crabb round out the five candidates campaigning to become leader of the Conservatives and prime minister following David Cameron's resignation after the Brexit vote.

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