Nigel Farage's most memorable moments as Ukip leader

Second resignation for Farage after briefly hanging up his political boots in 2015


Sharecast News | 04 Jul, 2016

Updated : 11:41

Nigel Farage announced his resignation from the United Kingdom Independence Party on Monday after he achieved one of his major political goals, to see Britain vote to leave the European Union.

The former leader says that his "work is done" as head of the party, which brings to an end many years of him causing outrage with various comments and actions concerning smoking, immigration and flotillas.

Here's a run through of some of Farage's most memorable/controversial moments as Ukip leader.

1) He said that he had taken up smoking again because he does not believe what doctors say about the danger of the drug.

2) "I can´t be racist because I've got black voters" Farage defends his immigration policy by saying that members of ethnic minority communities vote for him.

3) A tweet from the politician implied that he would have no support for increased maternity pay for women.

4) Farage's comments about women kept coming as he tried to explain a typical "man's" attitude towards women's football.

"Here's the bigger question. Do we think, chaps, when we're there in the front line, when the balloon goes up, with fixed bayonets, when the whistle's about to blow to go over the top, do we actually want to be there with women beside us? Do we? What an extraordinarily bizarre idea! I certainly don't think so.

"But maybe it's because I've got so many women pregnant over the years that I have a different view. I find it very difficult to think that we could stand up and run over the top together, into the machine guns or whatever. Men and women are different - thank God!"

5) That Question Time battle with political activist Russell Brand

6) In the leaders debate last year, Nigel went a little bit funny when trying to defend one of his party's policies.

7) Farage defended the use of a racial slur, saying that it is the language of the people.

Kerry Smith, the Ukip candidate for Basildon South in Essex, was dismissed after it was revealed he used the words “disgusting poofters” and referred to a woman with a Chinese name as a “chinky bird”.

Speaking of his dismissal Farage said Smith “speaks in a way that a lot of people from that background do” and also asked “if you and your mates were going out for a Chinese, what do you say you’re going for?”.

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