Pro-government forces in Aleppo shooting civilians 'on the spot' - UN reports


Sharecast News | 13 Dec, 2016

Pro-government forces in Syria have been shooting civilians "on the spot" as they move in to take the few remaining rebel-held areas in the key city of Aleppo, according to the United Nations .

The UN reported that 82 people were killed in four different neighbourhoods in the area on Tuesday by forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad.

Human rights spokesperson for the UN Rupert Colville said that Aleppo had suffered a "complete meltdown of humanity", as it looks as if rebel factions will lose their four-year stronghold on the area.

"We're filled with the deepest foreboding for those who remain in this last hellish corner," Colville said.

As Assad's troops descend on the last remaining areas held by rebels, thousands of civilians remain trapped in the eastern area of the city as the government intensifies its bombing campaign.

In close to five years of brutal fighting among the various factions in the Syrian conflict, over 250,000 have lost their lives, with countless more injured and made homeless.

In a press conference in Geneva on Tuesday, Colville confirmed the reports.

"Yesterday evening, we received further deeply disturbing reports that numerous bodies were lying on the streets," Colville added. "The residents were unable to retrieve them due to the intense bombardment and their fear of being shot on sight."

Russian officials have responded to the reports by placing the blame towards the rebel side. Vladimir Putin's spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that the atrocities were "actually being committed by terrorist groups".

Jan Egeland, the UN’s humanitarian adviser on Syria, said on Twitter that the Russian and Syrian governments would be responsible for any such abuses.

“The Gov'ts of Syria & Russia are accountable for any and all atrocities that the victorious militias in Aleppo are now committing!” he wrote.

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