Tories seen romping home with 160 seat majority in election


Sharecast News | 05 May, 2017

Updated : 14:40

Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservatives are predicted to romp home with a 160 seat majority in the country's general election in early June, according to political spread betting markets.

The figures from the IG Group showed that traders anticipated the Tories will win 405 seats, with Labour securing 147, SNP about 46 and the Liberal Democrats much fewer at 23.5.

"Our various markets show just how emphatic traders are expecting the win to be," said IG's head of dealing, Matt Brief.

"Adding together the other prices in the seats market it the Conservative will have a majority of over 160 in Parliament," noted Brief.

The figures appeared to confirm a mountain of anecdotal evidence that suggested Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour would be mauled in the upcoming ballot.

Returning to the IG data, the Tories had a 91.8% implied percentage chance of winning and 94.5% of taking the most seats, with Labour's being being a paltry 2.5% and 5.5% respectively.

"There are still five weeks to go till the election so there is time for events to change the outcome," said Brief.

"However the pattern looks to be one way for and Labour will be praying for a miracle to derail them."

Across the English Channel, the popularist far-right mob led by Marine Le Pen was not expected to do well at all in her run-off against centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron.

IG put Macron's chance of being the next President of France at 89.5%, with Le Pen's hopes at a doubtful 10.2%.

"Macron's chance of victory has improved throughout the week especially after the mammoth TV debate where most thought he outshone his rival Marine Le Pen."

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