UK Labour's Corbyn resisting calls to stand down


Sharecast News | 29 Jun, 2016

Updated : 16:03

Embattled UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn faces a formal challenge for his position after a 75% of his MPs supported a no-confidence vote.

Even though Corbyn effectively lost the backing of the parliamentary party, he refused to resign, saying it would “betray” the thousands of party supporters who elected him in a landslide last year. Former cabinet minister Tessa Jowell urged him to quit on Wednesday.

“Jeremy, you love the Labour party like I do and the Labour party has given you every opportunity that you have been able to exercise to make life for your constituents better,” she told ITV.

“I ask you to follow the strongest possible view of the parliamentary party and stand down.” Corbyn has been accused of failing to campaign strongly for Britain to stay in the European Union.

Tom Watson, Corbyn's deputy, was expected to try to broker a deal to stop the party imploding.

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