UK's first ever pop-up newspaper launches after Brexit vote

The New European will provide news for the 48% who voted Remain and feel let down by traditional media


Sharecast News | 04 Jul, 2016

Updated : 09:36

A new pop-up newspaper is to be launched in the United Kingdom on Friday 8th July, the first of its kind in the country.

Media company Archant announced the news, and their weekly edition, known as The New European, hopes to grab the attention of the 48% of the population who voted to Remain in the referendum on European Union membership.

The paper will offer those feeling dismayed and disenfranchised by Brexit an alternative to traditional media outlets, and has shown a remarkably fast turnaround to go from concept to the shelves in just 9 days.

The New European will also maintain a digital presence, with only four hard issues scheduled for now, as its continuation will depend on sales.

The first issue will see a host of renowned contributors and journalists from the group who supported a Remain vote over the course of the referendum.

The first issue will see a host of renowned contributors and journalists

Tanit Koch, editor of Europe's most-read newspaper Bild, is the headline name among those who will contribute articles, as well as the former editor of Zeit Online and digital director of The Guardian Wolfgang Blau, and Peter Bale, CEO for the Centre of Public Integrity which brought to light the Panama Papers Exclusive.

Chief Content officer of Archant and launch editor of TNE Matt Kelly said that "we are currently in an extraordinary period of time in the UK, with all of society seemingly in a state of flux and turmoil. I believe the 48% who voted to Remain are not well served by the traditional press and that there is a clear opportunity for a newspaper like The New European that people will want to read and carry like a badge of honour."

Kelly pointed out that the publication would try to veer away from the political side of things, focusing on more diverse content.

"We value expertise and have some of the world’s best brains in their areas writing for us. And it is also a politician-free zone. They are banned.”

The paper will offer those feeling dismayed and disenfranchised by Brexit an alternative to traditional media

Will Hattam, CMO, Archant, said: “This isn't just another national newspaper, it's a new type of publishing product. As a pop-up publishing project this is a truly innovative approach to reaching new audience segments by extending our established expertise in creating high-quality, engaging content into new areas.

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