FIFA's top three executives pocketed 55 million pounds in bonuses

Blatter, Kattner and Valcke netted the money in bonuses, incentives and severance packages


Sharecast News | 03 Jun, 2016

Updated : 15:10

Three former top FIFA officials, including disgraced former president Sepp Blatter, signed off on 55 million pounds to be shared between each other in the last five years, a FIFA statement has revealed.

Former Chief Financial Officer Markus Kattner and former Secretary General Jermoe Valcke were the other two officials condemned in the statement.

All three have been either suspended or sacked by FIFA amid various accusations of corruption in the football governing body, including the awarding of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup events to Russia and Qatar respectively. Blatter resigned days after being re-elected at the Zurich congress in May.

The organisation said "the evidence appears to reveal a coordinated effort by three former top officials of FIFA to enrich themselves through annual salary increases, World Cup bonuses and other incentives totalling more than CHF 79 million - in just the last five years."

Valcke was eligible for a maximum severance of 17.6 million Swiss Francs, and Kattner could get 9.8 million, after they received eight and a half year contract extensions on the eve of the FIFA presidential election of 2011. Even if they were fired for cause, the contracts provided that they were to be paid in full.

According to FIFA, "It is clear that the preliminary findings indicate that the payments and contracts warrant considerable further investigation."

Blatter was suspended by FIFA in October and then had an eight year ban cut to six years in February. Kattner was sacked by FIFa last month for "breaking responsibilities tied to his employment contract". Valcke was sacked in January this year.

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