Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
09-Apr-24  Buy Dividends June Aitken 132.32p 1,152 £1,524.33
05-Apr-24  Buy Chris Waples 130.59p 11,481 £14,993.04
04-Apr-24  Buy June Aitken 130.61p 11,500 £15,020.38
02-Apr-24  Buy Andrew Sykes 130.30p 20,000 £26,060.00
12-Dec-23  Buy Michael Denny 130.53p 20,000 £26,106.86

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
05-Dec-23  Buy Duncan Ball 130.76p 22,000 £28,766.38
12-Dec-23  Buy Michael Denny 130.53p 20,000 £26,106.86
02-Apr-24  Buy Andrew Sykes 130.30p 20,000 £26,060.00
04-Apr-24  Buy June Aitken 130.61p 11,500 £15,020.38
05-Apr-24  Buy Chris Waples 130.59p 11,481 £14,993.04

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Duncan Ball 1,447,788 £1,954,513.83
Michael Denny 873,459 £1,179,169.67
June Aitken 68,652 £92,680.20
Sarah Whitney 39,000 £52,650.00
Chris Waples 28,802 £38,882.70
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
M&G Investments 59,502,903 £80,328,920.47
Schroders plc 56,304,964 £76,011,702.74
Newton Investment Management Ltd 39,947,825 £53,929,564.70
Sarasin & Partners LLP 34,758,325 £46,923,739.58
Rathbones Investment Management Ltd 31,569,569 £42,618,918.90
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.