Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
06-Nov-24  Buy Simon Edward Herrick 107.50p 9,251 £9,944.83
29-Apr-24  Exercise of option Simon Hawkins 67.00p 10,961 £7,343.87

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
06-Nov-24  Buy Simon Edward Herrick 107.50p 9,251 £9,944.83
29-Apr-24  Exercise of option Simon Hawkins 67.00p 10,961 £7,343.87

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Hwfa Gwyn 1,026,535 £1,077,861.70
Paul Harding 167,870 £176,263.49
Simon Hawkins 132,201 £138,811.04
Dan Prickett 75,000 £78,750.00
Simon Edward Herrick 9,251 £9,713.55
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
John Robert Louis Lee 1,590,290 £1,669,804.42
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.