Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
05-Mar-25  Buy Eimear Moloney €5.27 20,000 €94,954.95
04-Mar-25  Sell David Ledwidge €5.15 216,980 €1,006,709.03
04-Mar-25  Exercise of option David Ledwidge €3.58 150,000 €483,783.77
04-Mar-25  Exercise of option Eamonn Rothwell €3.58 700,000 €2,257,657.61
04-Mar-25  Sell Eamonn Rothwell €5.15 700,000 €3,247,747.81

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
04-Mar-25  Sell Eamonn Rothwell €5.15 700,000 €3,247,747.81
04-Mar-25  Exercise of option Eamonn Rothwell €3.58 700,000 €2,257,657.61
04-Mar-25  Sell David Ledwidge €5.15 216,980 €1,006,709.03
04-Mar-25  Exercise of option David Ledwidge €3.58 150,000 €483,783.77
05-Mar-25  Buy Eimear Moloney €5.27 20,000 €94,954.95

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Eamonn Rothwell 21,456,627 £98,700,482.15
David Ledwidge 522,289 £2,402,529.35
John B McGuckian 296,140 £1,362,243.97
Eimear Moloney 50,000 £230,000.00
Lesley Williams 10,000 £46,000.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Sretaw Private Equity Unlimited Company 164,475,715 £756,588,273.31
Eamonn Rothwell 31,396,076 £144,421,946.61
Rokeby Investments Limited 20,010,700 £92,049,218.09
Irish Life Investment Managers as agent. 17,759,110 £81,691,904.31
Wellington Management Group LLP 14,805,815 £68,106,747.59
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.