Legal & General Group - Overview

Legal & General Group Plc is a United Kingdom-based financial services provider. The Company’s segments include Legal & General Retirement Institutional (LGRI), Legal & General Capital (LGC), Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM), Insurance, and Retail Retirement. LGRI segment represents worldwide pension risk transfer business including longevity insurance. LGC segment represents shareholder assets invested in direct investments primarily in the areas of specialist commercial real estate, clean energy, housing, and small and medium enterprises (SME) finance, as well as traded and treasury assets.

Key Personnel

CFO: Jeff Davies
Chairman: John Kingman
Non-Executive Director: Philip A J Broadley
Senior Independent Director: Lesley Knox
Group Chief Executive: António Simões
Independent Non-Executive Director: Nilufer von Bismarck, Clare Bousfield, Henrietta Baldock, Laura Wade-Gery, George Lewis, Tushar Morzaria, Carolyn Johnson, Ric Lewis

Contact Details

Address: One Coleman Street, London, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)20 3124 2000
Fax: +44 (0)20 3124 2500


ISIN: GB0005603997