SEGRO - Overview

Segro is a UK Real Estate Investment Trust (‘REIT’) and a leading owner, asset manager and developer of modern warehousing and light industrial property, as well as of higher value uses of industrial land such as offices and data centres. Its properties are located around major conurbations and at key transportation hubs across eight European countries, principally in the UK, France, Germany and Poland.

Key Personnel

CEO: David J R Sleath
CFO: Soumen Das
Non-Executive Director: Marcus Sperber
Non-Executive Chairman: Andy Harrison
Senior Independent Director: Carol Fairweather
Independent Non-Executive Director: Simon Fraser, Linda Yueh, Susan (Sue) Clayton , Mary Barnard

Contact Details

Address: 1 New Burlington Place, London, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)20 7451 9100
Fax: +44 (0)20 7451 9150
