Anglo Pacific Group Plc - Overview

Ecora Resources Plc is a global natural resources royalties company. The strategy of the Group is to expand its mineral royalty interests in low-cost, long-life mining assets. The Group achieves this through both direct acquisition and investment in projects at the development and production stage. It is a continuing policy of the Group to pay a substantial proportion of these royalties to shareholders as dividends. The Group strives to focus on projects in areas with low political risk that have defined resources and near-term production.

Competitors: Berkeley Energia Limited (DI)

Key Personnel

CEO: Marc Bishop Lafleche
CFO: Kevin Flynn
Non-Executive Director: Graeme Dacomb, Jim Rutherford
Non-Executive Chairman: Andrew Webb
Senior Independent Director: Varda Shine
Independent Non-Executive Director: Christine Coignard

Contact Details

Address: Kent House, 3Rd Floor, 14-17 Market Place, London, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 20 3435 7400
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7629 0370


ISIN: GB0006449366