Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
17-Oct-24  Buy Alexander Denny 140.40p 16,737 £23,498.75
05-Sep-24  Buy Michael Bane 144.56p 1,700 £2,457.52
05-Sep-24  Buy Michael Bane 145.60p 32,750 £47,684.00
05-Sep-24  Buy Karl Sternberg 143.70p 27,800 £39,948.54
04-Apr-24  Buy Tim J Breedon 145.50p 8,000 £11,640.00

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
05-Sep-24  Buy Michael Bane 145.60p 32,750 £47,684.00
05-Sep-24  Buy Karl Sternberg 143.70p 27,800 £39,948.54
17-Oct-24  Buy Alexander Denny 140.40p 16,737 £23,498.75
04-Apr-24  Buy Tim J Breedon 145.50p 8,000 £11,640.00
04-Apr-24  Buy Karl Sternberg 145.74p 6,800 £9,910.32

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Karl Sternberg 53,600 £71,395.20
Michael Bane 53,199 £70,861.07
Sally Ann (Susie) Farnon 43,600 £58,075.20
Alexander Denny 16,737 £22,293.68
Stephanie Coxon 10,000 £13,320.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Nortrust Nominees Limited 32,701,581 £43,558,506.45
Martin Halusa 28,778,552 £38,333,031.76
Berlinetta Limited 28,778,552 £38,333,031.76
Rathbones Group PLC 27,988,583 £37,280,793.04
Witan Investment Trust plc 27,890,000 £37,149,480.48
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.