Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
05-Mar-25  Buy Dividends William Maltby 15.83p 135 £21.37
05-Mar-25  Buy Dividends William Maltby 15.83p 439 £69.49
20-Jun-24  Buy Louisa Symington Mills 1,605.90p 1,250 £20,073.79

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
20-Jun-24  Buy Louisa Symington Mills 1,605.90p 1,250 £20,073.79
05-Mar-25  Buy Dividends William Maltby 15.83p 439 £69.49
05-Mar-25  Buy Dividends William Maltby 15.83p 135 £21.37

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Wilken von Hodenberg 45,587 £708,421.98
William Maltby 19,243 £299,036.22
John Falla 10,000 £155,400.00
Trudi Clark 7,680 £119,347.20
Pawan Dhir 1,600 £24,864.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Evelyn Partners LLP 8,597,863 £133,610,790.69
Quilter Cheviot Investment Mgmt 5,793,326 £90,028,285.82
Smith&Williamson Holdings Ltd 5,078,609 £78,921,583.67
Quilter plc 4,759,831 £73,967,773.56
Tilney Smith & Williamson Limited 4,487,546 £69,736,464.67
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.