Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
02-Jan-25  Sell Omar Abbosh 1,296.31p 77,989 £1,010,978.94
13-Dec-24  Buy Lincoln Wallen 1,619.68p 633 £10,252.57
13-Dec-24  Buy Esther Lee 1,619.68p 310 £5,021.01
13-Dec-24  Buy Omid Kordestani 1,619.68p 5,771 £93,471.73
13-Dec-24  Buy Alex Hardiman $16.20 257 $3,432.49

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
02-Jan-25  Sell Omar Abbosh 1,296.31p 77,989 £1,010,978.94
01-May-24  Sell Sally Johnson 970.66p 66,708 £647,505.53
13-Dec-24  Buy Omid Kordestani 1,619.68p 5,771 £93,471.73
30-Sep-24  Buy Omid Kordestani 1,359.00p 6,834 £92,874.06
28-Mar-24  Buy Omid Kordestani $13.16 6,934 $75,241.93

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Sally Johnson 584,913 £7,176,882.78
Omar Abbosh 384,853 £4,722,146.49
Omid Kordestani 91,857 £1,127,085.43
Lincoln Wallen 20,561 £252,283.48
Sherry Coutu 18,972 £232,786.45
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Cevian Capital II GP Limited 85,202,977 £1,045,440,566.79
BlackRock Inc 69,580,016 £853,746,828.17
Majedie Asset Management Limited 39,063,539 £479,309,641.41
Lindsell Train Limited 36,743,604 £450,844,037.90
Silchester International Investors LLP 36,341,993 £445,916,270.75
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.