Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
13-Jun-24  Buy Marybeth Hays $56.75 290 $13,570.96
05-Jun-24  Buy Tamara Ingram 4,509.00p 350 £15,781.50
05-Jun-24  Buy Margherita Della 4,509.00p 320 £14,428.80
05-Jun-24  Buy Andrew R J Bonfield 4,489.81p 306 £13,738.81
05-Jun-24  Buy Jeremy Darroch 4,509.00p 1,429 £64,433.61

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
02-May-24  Sell Kris Licht 4,479.39p 10,344 £463,348.57
04-Jun-24  Buy Elane Stock 4,494.88p 1,725 £77,536.68
11-Dec-23  Sell Shannon Eisenhardt 5,380.00p 1,311 £70,531.80
05-Jun-24  Buy Jeremy Darroch 4,509.00p 1,429 £64,433.61
24-May-24  Buy Dividends Kris Licht 4,427.71p 783 £34,668.98

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Kris Licht 10,276 £466,324.89
Elane Stock 4,717 £214,057.47
Mary Harris 3,630 £164,729.40
Andrew R J Bonfield 1,493 £67,752.34
Jeremy Darroch 1,429 £64,848.02
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
JAB Investments 42,159,592 £1,913,202,329.99
Morgan Stanley Investment Management Limited 35,755,306 £1,622,575,824.47
Massachusetts Financial Services Company 35,297,021 £1,601,778,850.68
Invesco Limited 29,255,679 £1,327,622,744.27
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.