Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
05-Aug-24  Buy Sarah Sergeant 982.00p 1,018 £9,996.76
26-Jun-24  Buy Simon Dodd 640.00p 3,904 £24,985.60
19-Jun-24  Buy Steve Cooke 980.00p 10,000 £98,000.00

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
19-Jun-24  Buy Steve Cooke 980.00p 10,000 £98,000.00
26-Jun-24  Buy Simon Dodd 640.00p 3,904 £24,985.60
05-Aug-24  Buy Sarah Sergeant 982.00p 1,018 £9,996.76

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Torquil Sligo-Young 5,170,522 £45,086,953.22
Nick Miller 28,587 £249,278.65
Simon Dodd 19,567 £170,624.25
Steve Cooke 10,000 £87,200.00
Mike Owen 6,621 £57,735.12
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Octopus Investments Nominees Limited 4,644,689 £40,501,689.32
Guinness Peat Group Plc 4,372,924 £38,131,898.45
Thomas fflorance Barrow Young 4,159,892 £36,274,259.35
James Guillaume Allen Young 4,013,054 £34,993,831.95
BlackRock, Inc. 2,041,654 £17,803,223.43
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.