Latest deals

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Name Traded Action Notifier Last Amount Value
Ocado Group 17-Mar-25  Buy Tim Steiner 6,300.00p 63 £3,969.00
Ocado Group 17-Mar-25  Transfer From Tim Steiner n/a 9 n/a
Ocado Group 17-Mar-25  Buy Stephen Daintith 237.90p 63 £149.88
Ocado Group 17-Mar-25  Transfer From Stephen Daintith n/a 9 n/a
Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd (Singapore Reg) 14-Mar-25  Buy Graham Baker $43.05 23,000 $990,143.14

Latest deals (365 Days)

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Name Traded Action Notifier Last Amount Value
Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd (Singapore Reg) 15-May-24  Scrip Dividend Benjamin William Keswick $37.83 1,222,920 $46,260,640.00
Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd (Singapore Reg) 16-Oct-24  Scrip Dividend Benjamin William Keswick $37.81 502,564 $19,002,346.21
Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd (Singapore Reg) 15-May-24  Scrip Dividend Benjamin William Keswick $37.83 288,988 $10,931,843.32
Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd (Singapore Reg) 21-Jun-24  Sell Benjamin William Keswick $37.01 166,050 $6,145,792.73
Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd (Singapore Reg) 15-May-24  Scrip Dividend Benjamin William Keswick $37.83 151,560 $5,733,214.44