Latest deals

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Name Traded Action Notifier Last Amount Value
Informa 19-Mar-25  Buy Louise Smalley 778.88p 5,050 £39,333.44
WPP 14-Mar-25  Sell Andrew Scott 634.00p 50,492 £320,119.29
WPP 14-Mar-25  Transfer From Andrew Scott n/a 107,214 n/a
Informa 14-Mar-25  Buy Catherine Levene 766.00p 2,200 £16,852.00
Informa 11-Mar-25  Sell Gareth Wright 736.49p 59,142 £435,574.87

Latest deals (365 Days)

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Name Traded Action Notifier Last Amount Value
RELX plc 14-Feb-25  Sell Erik Engstrom 4,073.00p 128,798 £5,245,942.48
XLMedia 17-Feb-25  Sell Cédric Boireau 11.50p 38,928,944 £4,476,828.64
RELX plc 17-Feb-25  Sell Erik Engstrom 4,033.44p 60,000 £2,420,063.32
Canal+ S.A (CDI) 20-Dec-24  Buy Maxime Saada 194.00p 820,000 £1,590,799.26
RELX plc 18-Feb-25  Sell Erik Engstrom 4,055.59p 32,479 £1,317,213.86