Latest deals

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Name Traded Action Notifier Last Amount Value
Vodafone Group 10-Feb-25  Buy Dividends Stephen A Carter 69.92p 3,042 £2,126.81
Vodafone Group 05-Feb-25  Buy Simon Dingemans 65.72p 50,000 £32,862.50
BT Group 04-Feb-25  Buy Alex Chisholm 141.00p 30,000 £42,300.00
Mobile Streams 17-Jan-25  Buy John Barker 0.38p 12,434,458 £46,716.26
Mobile Streams 17-Jan-25  Buy Mark Alexander Epstein 0.38p 12,055,096 £45,628.54

Latest deals (365 Days)

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Name Traded Action Notifier Last Amount Value
Zegona Communications 10-Dec-24  Transfer To Eamonn O’Hare 336.00p 35,327,788 £118,701,363.97
HELIOS TOWERS 19-Jun-24  Sell David Wassong 115.00p 18,800,000 £21,619,999.55
Airtel Africa 27-Dec-24  Buy Shravin Bharti Mittal 105.00p 15,000,000 £15,749,999.28
Airtel Africa 21-Nov-24  Buy Shravin Bharti Mittal 96.70p 1,794,702 £1,735,476.85
Vodafone Group 15-Mar-24  Buy Luka Mucic 69.64p 2,460,000 £1,713,143.97