Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
18-Dec-24  Buy Mark Robson 3,765.80p 1,977 £74,449.87
29-Oct-24  Buy Sharon Fennessy 3,750.00p 650 £24,375.00
25-Oct-24  Sell John Christopher Morgan 3,890.49p 16,968 £660,139.18
24-Oct-24  Sell John Christopher Morgan 3,890.49p 11,543 £449,079.83
27-Sep-24  Buy Kelly Gangotra 3,030.00p 975 £29,542.50

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
25-Oct-24  Sell John Christopher Morgan 3,890.49p 16,968 £660,139.18
05-Mar-24  Sell Steve Crummett 2,283.00p 27,541 £628,761.03
05-Mar-24  Sell John Christopher Morgan 2,280.00p 24,030 £547,883.98
05-Mar-24  Sell Steve Crummett 2,280.00p 20,013 £456,296.38
24-Oct-24  Sell John Christopher Morgan 3,890.49p 11,543 £449,079.83

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
John Christopher Morgan 3,084,113 £113,186,949.45
Michael Findlay 4,173 £153,149.10
David S Lowden 4,000 £146,800.00
Mark Robson 1,977 £72,555.90
Jen Tippin 1,000 £36,700.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Aggregate of Standard Life Aberdeen plc 5,213,130 £191,321,874.98
Aggregate of abrdn plc 4,721,079 £173,263,602.90
Aberdeen Asset Management 4,635,152 £170,110,081.94
HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Limited 4,504,352 £165,309,721.84
Numis Nominees (Client) Limited 3,479,537 £127,699,010.55
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.