Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
17-Dec-24  Sell Allan Lockhart 79.16p 85,711 £67,848.83
17-Dec-24  Sell Will Hobman 79.16p 62,865 £49,763.93
30-Sep-24  Buy Alastair Miller 81.52p 18,297 £14,915.71
23-Sep-24  Placing Charlie Parker 80.00p 10,000 £8,000.00
23-Sep-24  Placing Karen Miller 80.00p 18,750 £15,000.00

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
23-Sep-24  Placing Lynn Fordham 80.00p 187,500 £150,000.00
23-Sep-24  Placing Allan Lockhart 80.00p 104,602 £83,681.60
17-Dec-24  Sell Allan Lockhart 79.16p 85,711 £67,848.83
23-Sep-24  Placing Will Hobman 80.00p 70,596 £56,476.80
17-Dec-24  Sell Will Hobman 79.16p 62,865 £49,763.93

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Allan Lockhart 726,280 £534,542.08
Will Hobman 495,771 £364,887.46
Lynn Fordham 187,500 £138,000.00
Alastair Miller 118,103 £86,923.81
Charlie Parker 21,454 £15,790.14
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
FIL Limited 38,043,648 £28,000,124.98
Premier Miton Group PLC 15,803,355 £11,631,269.30
M&G Plc 15,404,761 £11,337,904.12
Farringdon Capital Management 11,909,919 £8,765,700.40
Liontrust Investment Partners LLP 10,431,613 £7,677,667.18
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.