Victrex plc - Overview

Victrex is an innovative world leader in high-performance polymer solutions and the number 1 PEEK experts (PEEK – polyetheretherketone – is a high performance polymer, typically used to replace metal in demanding applications across a range of industries). Every day, millions of people rely on products or applications which contain our sustainable polymers, from smartphones, aeroplanes and cars to oil & gas operations and medical devices. With over 40 years’ experience and with global megatrends such as CO2 reduction and lightweighting supporting our sustainable products, we are moving beyond the polymer into semi-finished and finished products which shape future performance for our customers and our markets, bring environmental and societal benefits, and drive value for our shareholders.


Key Personnel

CEO: Jakob Sigurdsson
Non-Executive Director: Jane Toogood, Urmi Prasad Richardson , Janet E Ashdown
Non-Executive Chairman: Dame Vivienne Cox
Senior Independent Director: Ros Rivaz
Independent Non-Executive Director: David Thomas, Brendan Connolly
CFO & Executive Director: Ian Melling

Contact Details

Address: Victrex Technology Centre, Hillhouse International, Thornton Cleveleys, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1253 897 700
Fax: +44 (0) 1253 897 701


ISIN: GB0009292243