daVictus - Overview

daVictus is a company which was incorporated and was established to undertake one or more acquisitions of businesses (either shares or assets) which operate in or own Western F&B eatery franchises in South East Asia and/or the Far East. Together, the Directors have many years of business experience in Asia, particularly in the areas of acquisitions, corporate and financial management and they have established a network of contacts within South East Asia and the Far East. The Company will not have a separate investment manager, although it may utilise independent third parties to provide expert advice where necessary, for instance in relation to due diligence.


Key Personnel

CEO: Robert Logan Pincock
Non-Executive Director: Malcolm Groat
Non-Executive Chairman: Abd Hadi bin Abd Majid

Contact Details

Address: 28 Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey, United Kingdom
Website: http://www.davictus.co.uk/
