Latest deals

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Name Traded Action Notifier Last Amount Value
Whitbread 20-Feb-25  Buy Kal Atwal 2,621.00p 1,130 £29,617.30
BP 19-Feb-25  Transfer From Kate Thomson n/a 79,836 n/a
BP 19-Feb-25  Transfer From Kate Thomson n/a 60,757 n/a
BP 19-Feb-25  Transfer From Murray Auchincloss n/a 6,098 n/a
BP 19-Feb-25  Transfer From Murray Auchincloss n/a 7,081 n/a

Latest deals (365 Days)

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Name Traded Action Notifier Last Amount Value
Entain 03-Jun-24  Buy Ricky Sandler 71,000.00p 7,100,000 £5,041,000,000.00
Imperial Brands 06-Jan-25  Buy Stefan Bomhard 2,596.90p 127,172,072 £3,302,537,826.90
Smith & Nephew 22-May-24  Buy Dividends Deepak Nath 1,019.20p 286,648,352 £2,921,520,115.12
London Stock Exchange Group 17-May-24  Sell Martin Brand 9,150.00p 14,320,787 £1,310,352,010.50
London Stock Exchange Group 17-May-24  Sell Martin Brand 9,150.00p 2,979,037 £272,581,885.50