Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
02-Jul-24  Exercise of option Anthony Zaidi $0.13 333,333 $25,636.45
02-Jul-24  Exercise of option Anthony Zaidi $0.28 144,444 $23,927.30
02-Jul-24  Exercise of option Gage Jull $0.28 505,000 $83,653.79
02-Jul-24  Exercise of option Ravi Sharma $0.28 144,444 $23,927.30
02-Jul-24  Exercise of option Ravi Sharma $0.13 333,333 $25,636.45

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
20-Jun-24  Transfer To Gage Jull $0.44 5,993,508 $1,560,162.99
02-Jul-24  Exercise of option Gage Jull $0.28 505,000 $83,653.79
02-Jul-24  Exercise of option Gage Jull $0.13 750,000 $57,682.07
28-Mar-24  Exercise of option Grant Carnie $0.26 333,333 $51,272.90
02-Jul-24  Exercise of option Anthony Zaidi $0.13 333,333 $25,636.45

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Marshall Abbott 3,579,802 £615,226.46
Gage Jull 1,760,000 £302,474.43
Ravi Sharma 574,481 £98,730.58
Anthony Zaidi 333,333 £57,286.77
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Canacol Energy 60,072,807 £10,324,140.93
Askar Alshinbayev 48,046,402 £8,257,277.30
Edale Capital LLP 19,772,355 £3,398,086.25
Clarendon Trust- Sub Fund B 14,362,245 £2,468,302.20
David and Monique Newlands 6,400,000 £1,099,907.02
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.