Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
05-Sep-24  Buy Jos Sclater 1,225.00p 13 £159.25
05-Sep-24  Buy Rich Cashin 1,225.00p 12 £147.00
05-Aug-24  Buy Jos Sclater 1,211.00p 12 £145.32
05-Aug-24  Buy Rich Cashin 1,211.00p 13 £157.43
05-Aug-24  Buy Miles Ingrey-Counter 1,211.00p 13 £157.43

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
22-Nov-23  Buy Jos Sclater 745.00p 17,625 £131,306.25
22-Nov-23  Buy Jos Sclater 745.00p 17,625 £131,306.25
22-Nov-23  Buy Rich Cashin 744.00p 16,043 £119,359.92
13-Oct-23  Buy Jos Sclater 698.24p 15,361 £107,256.13
13-Oct-23  Buy Jos Sclater 700.00p 14,995 £104,965.00

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Jos Sclater 107,976 £1,332,423.86
Rich Cashin 47,686 £588,445.25
Bruce Thompson 31,000 £382,540.00
Miles Ingrey-Counter 12,108 £149,412.72
Victor Chavez 3,039 £37,501.26
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
EQMC Europe Development Capital Fund 4,858,350 £59,952,039.74
Alantra EQMC Asset Management SGIIC, S.A. 4,567,683 £56,365,208.92
Kempen Capital Management N.V. 3,328,822 £41,077,663.99
BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust Plc 3,206,055 £39,562,719.19
Capital Research and Management Company 2,990,645 £36,904,559.76
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.