Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
16-Dec-24  Buy Brad Greve 1,204.92p 12 £144.59
16-Dec-24  Buy Charles Woodburn 1,204.92p 13 £156.64
02-Dec-24  Buy Dividends Charles Woodburn 1,252.95p 47 £588.89
02-Dec-24  Buy Brad Greve 1,249.30p 559 £6,983.59
02-Dec-24  Buy Dividends Brad Greve 1,252.95p 23 £288.18

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
04-Jun-24  Sell Charles Woodburn 1,388.84p 485,694 £6,745,512.59
08-Mar-24  Sell Charles Woodburn 1,254.60p 331,716 £4,161,708.78
22-Oct-24  Sell Tom Arseneault 1,330.15p 180,787 £2,404,736.44
17-Oct-24  Sell Tom Arseneault 1,330.15p 152,999 £2,035,114.64
22-Oct-24  Transfer From Tom Arseneault 1,330.15p 108,471 £1,442,825.90

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Charles Woodburn 575,400 £6,591,206.96
Tom Arseneault 574,913 £6,585,628.37
Elizabeth Corley 19,000 £217,645.00
Nick Anderson 14,000 £160,370.00
Cressida Hogg 13,698 £156,910.59
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
The Capital Group Companies, Inc 391,941,911 £4,489,694,560.60
BlackRock Inc 290,793,030 £3,331,034,136.46
AXA S.A. and its group of companies 160,456,084 £1,838,024,429.98
Invesco Ltd 159,493,347 £1,826,996,277.72
Franklin Resources Inc 157,888,786 £1,808,616,031.58
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.