Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
29-Jan-25  Buy Stuart Paynter 138.97p 7,151 £9,937.84
29-Jan-25  Buy Stuart Paynter 138.97p 7,151 £9,937.84
28-Nov-24  Buy Dame Julia King 165.05p 30,200 £49,845.10
02-Oct-24  Buy Stuart Paynter 270.00p 7,365 £19,885.50
21-Jun-24  Exercise of option Philip Caldwell 85.00p 98,347 £83,594.95

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
21-Jun-24  Exercise of option Philip Caldwell 180.66p 282,077 £509,607.63
21-Jun-24  Exercise of option Philip Caldwell 85.00p 98,347 £83,594.95
28-Nov-24  Buy Dame Julia King 165.05p 30,200 £49,845.10
02-Oct-24  Buy Stuart Paynter 270.00p 7,365 £19,885.50
29-Jan-25  Buy Stuart Paynter 138.97p 7,151 £9,937.84

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Philip Caldwell 464,235 £278,773.11
Dame Julia King 30,200 £18,135.10
Warren Finegold 30,056 £18,048.63
Stuart Paynter 21,667 £13,011.03
Tudor Brown 15,000 £9,007.50
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Weichai Power Co. Ltd 37,965,262 £22,798,139.36
ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 33,790,880 £20,291,423.02
Ora (Guernsey) Limited 25,753,829 £15,465,174.00
IP Group plc 21,695,124 £13,027,921.69
IP2IPO Limited 10,750,000 £6,455,374.87
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.