Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
10-Feb-25  Buy Angela Rushforth 145.00p 1,025 £1,486.25
10-Feb-25  Buy Will Truman 145.00p 1,681 £2,437.45
10-Feb-25  Buy Iraj Amiri 145.00p 1,456 £2,111.20
10-Feb-25  Buy Alison Littley 145.00p 1,804 £2,615.80
10-Feb-25  Buy Derek Mapp 145.00p 3,650 £5,292.50

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
26-Mar-24  Buy Iraj Amiri 119.50p 54,892 £65,595.94
06-Aug-24  Buy Derek Mapp 145.00p 3,650 £5,292.50
10-Feb-25  Buy Derek Mapp 145.00p 3,650 £5,292.50
07-May-24  Buy Derek Mapp 135.00p 3,817 £5,152.95
10-Feb-25  Buy Alison Littley 145.00p 1,804 £2,615.80

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Derek Mapp 491,514 £747,101.27
Michael Scott 186,426 £283,367.52
Iraj Amiri 68,813 £104,595.76
Darren Waters 42,161 £64,084.72
Alison Littley 13,190 £20,048.80
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Soros Fund Management 18,337,234 £27,872,595.33
Aberforth Partners 16,380,108 £24,897,763.85
Perpetual Limited 11,315,996 £17,200,313.70
J O Hambro Capital Management Limited 11,092,556 £16,860,684.91
SFM UK Management LLP 9,702,646 £14,748,021.73
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.