Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
24-Jan-25  Buy Piers  Latham  1,170.00p 236 £2,761.20
24-Jan-25  Buy David A Dunmow 1,170.00p 238 £2,784.60
24-Jan-25  Buy Piers  Latham  1,170.00p 268 £3,135.60
03-Sep-24  Placing Andrew George Wright 1,320.00p 334 £4,408.80
03-Sep-24  Placing Piers  Latham  1,320.00p 1,776 £23,443.20

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
23-Apr-24  Sell Andrew George Wright 1,160.00p 8,687 £100,769.20
03-Sep-24  Placing Nick Latham 1,320.00p 2,008 £26,505.60
03-Sep-24  Placing David A Dunmow 1,320.00p 1,782 £23,522.40
03-Sep-24  Placing Piers  Latham  1,320.00p 1,776 £23,443.20
30-Jul-24  Buy Piers  Latham  1,415.00p 382 £5,405.30

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Nick Latham 650,790 £7,126,150.38
Piers  Latham  647,995 £7,095,545.13
Fabian French 370,052 £4,052,069.33
David A Dunmow 147,954 £1,620,096.27
Andrew George Wright 28,230 £309,118.49
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Close Asset Management Limited 1,295,147 £14,181,859.40
Robert Latham 684,121 £7,491,124.82
Cheviot Capital (Nominees) Ltd 673,556 £7,375,438.07
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.