Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
06-Nov-24  Buy Petrus R M Vervaat 132.00p 50,000 £66,000.00
04-Nov-24  Buy Will Hoy 135.00p 37,953 £51,236.55
16-Oct-24  Buy John Hornby 157.60p 100,000 £157,600.00
16-Oct-24  Buy John Hornby 159.70p 1,150,000 £1,836,550.00
16-Oct-24  Buy John Hornby 159.70p 1,150,000 £1,836,550.00

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
16-Oct-24  Sell John Hornby 157.20p 3,000,000 £4,716,000.08
16-Oct-24  Buy John Hornby 159.70p 1,150,000 £1,836,550.00
16-Oct-24  Buy John Hornby 159.70p 1,150,000 £1,836,550.00
16-Oct-24  Sell John Hornby 157.00p 138,822 £217,950.55
16-Oct-24  Buy John Hornby 157.60p 100,000 £157,600.00

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Giles Brand 35,564,260 £55,835,890.07
John Hornby 9,469,130 £14,866,534.60
Will Hoy 306,353 £480,974.23
Petrus R M Vervaat 150,000 £235,500.01
Tim Surridge 63,041 £98,974.37
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
EPIC Investments LLP 35,564,260 £55,835,890.07
BlackRock 16,759,039 £26,311,692.11
Deanmor Investments 13,000,000 £20,410,000.68
Prudential plc group of companies 8,550,000 £13,423,500.45
Apex Financial Services (Trust Company) Limited 8,300,956 £13,032,501.36
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.