Oxford Biomedica Plc - Overview

Oxford Biomedica develops innovative new IP-protected , LentiVector® based therapies, leveraging our internal research expertise and know-how. We select patient-centric product candidates and progress these through proof-of-concept, and into early clinical development, before either seeking third-party funding for full development and commercialisation or to develop further in-house.


Key Personnel

CEO: Frank Mathias
CFO: Lucinda (Lucy) Crabtree
Chairman: Roch Doliveux
Non-Executive Director: Colin Bond , Peter Soelkner, Robert Ghenchev, Laurence Espinasse
Senior Independent Director: Dame Kay Davies
Vice Chairman: Stuart Henderson
Independent Non-Executive Director: Heather Preston, Namrata P Patel

Contact Details

Address: Windrush Court, Transport Way, Oxford, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1865 783 000
Fax: +44 (0) 1865 783 001
Website: http://www.oxb.com/


ISIN: GB0006648157