Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
06-Jan-25  Buy Martin Pibworth 1,620.82p 2 £32.42
06-Jan-25  Buy Alistair Phillips-Davies 1,620.82p 8 £129.67
20-Dec-24  Buy Barry O'Regan €19.64 9 €159.26
06-Dec-24  Buy Martin Pibworth 1,714.00p 2 £34.28
06-Dec-24  Buy Alistair Phillips-Davies 1,714.00p 8 £137.12

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
01-Oct-24  Exercise of option Martin Pibworth 901.00p 1,664 £14,992.64
19-Sep-24  Buy Dividends Alistair Phillips-Davies 1,937.92p 173 £3,352.60
08-Mar-24  Buy Dividends Alistair Phillips-Davies 1,656.99p 100 £1,656.99
19-Sep-24  Buy Dividends Martin Pibworth 1,937.92p 65 £1,259.65
19-Sep-24  Buy Dividends Alistair Phillips-Davies 1,937.92p 43 £833.31

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Alistair Phillips-Davies 519,756 £8,446,035.00
Martin Pibworth 213,609 £3,471,146.25
Barry O'Regan 15,704 £255,190.00
Tony Cocker 5,000 £81,250.00
John Alexander Manzoni 2,700 £43,875.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
BlackRock, Inc. 88,390,921 £1,436,352,466.25
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 55,063,873 £894,787,936.25
UBS Investment Bank 54,251,311 £881,583,803.75
The Capital Group Companies, Inc. 50,981,817 £828,454,526.25
Invesco Limited 45,775,918 £743,858,667.50
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.