Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
16-Oct-24  Sell Helen Miles 2,713.64p 18,472 £501,264.04
25-Jul-24  Sell Helen Miles 2,499.79p 8,379 £209,457.82
25-Jul-24  Sell Olivia (Liv) Garfield 2,499.79p 29,388 £734,639.74
10-Jun-24  Sell Helen Miles 2,413.08p 2,852 £68,821.10
10-Jun-24  Sell Olivia (Liv) Garfield 2,413.08p 6,076 £146,618.87

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
25-Jul-24  Sell Olivia (Liv) Garfield 2,499.79p 29,388 £734,639.74
16-Oct-24  Sell Helen Miles 2,713.64p 18,472 £501,264.04
25-Jul-24  Sell Helen Miles 2,499.79p 8,379 £209,457.82
10-Jun-24  Sell Olivia (Liv) Garfield 2,413.08p 6,076 £146,618.87
10-Jun-24  Sell Helen Miles 2,413.08p 2,852 £68,821.10

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Olivia (Liv) Garfield 382,027 £9,535,393.57
Helen Miles 57,040 £1,423,718.35
Kevin S Beeston 5,996 £149,660.15
Christine Mary Hodgson 2,836 £70,786.56
Sarah Legg 1,162 £29,003.52
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Qatar Holding LLC 34,855,379 £869,990,227.93
Lazard Asset Management LLC 24,574,028 £613,367,716.38
BlackRock Inc 15,312,904 £382,210,069.82
Vanguard Group 12,902,877 £322,055,798.11
Rreef Real Estate 12,711,225 £317,272,164.36
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.