Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
12-Nov-24  Sell Robin Stewart 254.00p 57,795 £146,799.30
12-Nov-24  Sell Philip Price 254.00p 58,719 £149,146.26
12-Nov-24  Sell Nicolas Breteau 254.00p 96,984 £246,339.36
03-Apr-24  Sell Nicolas Breteau 223.26p 122,392 £273,255.67
03-Apr-24  Sell Nicolas Breteau 223.26p 122,392 £273,255.67

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
03-Apr-24  Sell Nicolas Breteau 223.26p 122,392 £273,255.67
03-Apr-24  Sell Nicolas Breteau 223.26p 122,392 £273,255.67
12-Nov-24  Sell Nicolas Breteau 254.00p 96,984 £246,339.36
12-Nov-24  Sell Philip Price 254.00p 58,719 £149,146.26
12-Nov-24  Sell Robin Stewart 254.00p 57,795 £146,799.30

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Nicolas Breteau 2,101,656 £5,727,012.40
Robin Stewart 1,046,845 £2,852,652.53
Philip Price 906,261 £2,469,561.14
Richard Berliand 100,000 £272,499.99
Michael C Heaney 91,000 £247,974.99
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Oppenheimer Funds Inc 86,856,005 £236,682,605.34
Liontrust Investment Partners LLP 77,137,387 £210,199,372.22
IPGL (Holdings) Ltd 49,471,203 £134,809,023.46
Schroders plc 39,853,476 £108,600,718.30
BlackRock, Inc. 38,698,983 £105,454,724.98
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.