Latest deals

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Name Traded Action Notifier Last Amount Value
Land Securities Group 04-Mar-25  Buy Vanessa Simms 556.30p 27 £150.20
Land Securities Group 04-Mar-25  Transfer From Vanessa Simms n/a 27 n/a
Hammerson 03-Mar-25  Buy Habib Annous 270.19p 55,050 £148,740.70
Hammerson 03-Mar-25  Buy Habib Annous 269.80p 20,756 £55,999.69
Great Portland Estates 28-Feb-25  Buy Dan Nicholson 275.25p 54 £148.64

Latest deals (365 Days)

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Name Traded Action Notifier Last Amount Value
Sirius Real Estate Ltd. 26-Sep-24  Sell Andrew Coombs 97.54p 2,857,671 £2,787,509.50
Sirius Real Estate Ltd. 18-Nov-24  Buy Andrew Coombs 87.27p 2,400,000 £2,094,383.96
Great Portland Estates 11-Jun-24  Rights Issue Toby Courtauld 230.00p 732,036 £1,683,682.77
Big Yellow Group 16-Sep-24  Exercise of option James Gibson 1,324.89p 94,041 £1,245,939.84
Big Yellow Group 16-Sep-24  Exercise of option Nicholas Vetch 1,324.89p 82,199 £1,089,046.37