Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
24-Mar-25  Exercise of option Adam Couch 2,534.00p 591 £14,975.94
21-Mar-25  Buy Christopher Aldersley 5,050.00p 3 £151.50
21-Mar-25  Sell Jim Brisby 5,010.60p 7,000 £350,741.99
21-Feb-25  Buy Christopher Aldersley 4,929.60p 3 £147.89
23-Dec-24  Buy Christopher Aldersley 4,915.00p 3 £147.45

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
01-Aug-24  Sell Adam Couch 4,757.34p 25,000 £1,189,334.96
01-Aug-24  Sell Mark Bottomley 4,730.00p 25,000 £1,182,499.98
27-Sep-24  Sell Christopher Aldersley 4,910.00p 16,500 £810,149.97
06-Aug-24  Sell Adam Couch 4,519.00p 12,399 £560,310.79
06-Aug-24  Sell Mark Bottomley 4,519.00p 8,197 £370,422.42

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Jim Brisby 187,134 £9,094,712.11
Mark Bottomley 165,748 £8,055,352.55
Adam Couch 138,453 £6,728,815.59
Christopher Aldersley 10,020 £486,971.98
Tim Smith 5,000 £242,999.99
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Fidelity Management & Research 4,399,262 £213,804,126.49
Schroder Investment Management 2,739,268 £133,128,420.62
The Vanguard Group Inc 2,663,335 £129,438,076.94
Martin Currie Investment Management Limited 2,602,718 £126,492,090.83
JPMorgan Asset Management 2,563,770 £124,599,218.09
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.