Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
03-Feb-25  Buy Martin James Glanfield 27.00p 129,624 £34,998.48
30-Jul-24  Buy Martin James Glanfield 34.50p 119,223 £41,131.93
29-Jul-24  Buy Julian Viggars 34.89p 50,000 £17,444.00
29-Jul-24  Buy Julian Viggars 34.80p 50,000 £17,400.00
29-Jul-24  Buy Mark Andrew Payton 34.90p 102,772 £35,867.43

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
21-Mar-24  Sell Raymond Kenneth Chamberlain 32.50p 1,563,813 £508,239.21
30-Jul-24  Buy Martin James Glanfield 34.50p 119,223 £41,131.93
29-Jul-24  Buy Mark Andrew Payton 34.90p 102,772 £35,867.43
03-Feb-25  Buy Martin James Glanfield 27.00p 129,624 £34,998.48
29-Jul-24  Buy Julian Viggars 34.89p 50,000 £17,444.00

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Mark Andrew Payton 7,433,488 £1,895,539.40
Martin James Glanfield 1,993,794 £508,417.46
Julian Viggars 1,078,640 £275,053.19
Ian Roland Metcalfe 357,709 £91,215.79
Diane Seymour Williams 250,000 £63,750.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Forward Innovation Fund 39,272,336 £10,014,445.49
Ruffer LLP 30,750,000 £7,841,249.85
Link Fund Solutions Ltd 30,700,302 £7,828,576.86
FIL Limited 24,054,054 £6,133,783.66
Unicorn Asset Management Limited 21,950,000 £5,597,249.90
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.