Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
05-Feb-25  Buy Dividends Phillip Bentley 116.46p 113 £131.60
05-Feb-25  Buy Dividends Salma Shah 115.72p 247 £285.82
03-Feb-25  Exercise of option Phillip Bentley 50.40p 35,714 £17,999.86
13-Jan-25  Buy Phillip Bentley 108.68p 138 £149.98
02-Jan-25  Buy Salma Shah 110.53p 2,510 £2,774.32

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
16-Oct-24  Sell Phillip Bentley 117.02p 4,750,000 £5,558,354.82
21-Jun-24  Sell Simon Kirkpatrick 117.20p 349,151 £409,204.99
21-Nov-24  Buy Phillip Bentley 108.59p 200,000 £217,180.40
17-Jun-24  Buy Chet Patel 113.98p 28,781 £32,804.55
15-Jul-24  Buy Simon Kirkpatrick 121.80p 16,390 £19,963.02

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Phillip Bentley 9,961,902 £11,834,739.21
Derek Mapp 912,241 £1,083,742.27
Simon Kirkpatrick 832,789 £989,353.30
Roger Yates 160,000 £190,079.99
Mary Reilly 116,012 £137,822.25
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Silchester International Investors LLP 133,493,114 £158,589,814.59
FIL Limited 109,622,185 £130,231,151.81
How Group Limited 99,378,882 £118,062,108.21
JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings Inc. 75,474,757 £89,664,008.58
Alchemy Special Opportunities (Guernsey) Limited 71,039,339 £84,394,732.16
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.