Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
20-Dec-24  Buy Marcus Sperber 690.56p 7,240 £49,996.51
29-May-24  Sell Soumen Das 892.98p 80,567 £719,447.20
29-May-24  Sell David J R Sleath 892.98p 108,420 £968,168.92
10-May-24  Buy Soumen Das 882.08p 408 £3,598.89
10-May-24  Buy David J R Sleath 882.08p 408 £3,598.89

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
29-May-24  Sell David J R Sleath 892.98p 108,420 £968,168.92
29-May-24  Sell Soumen Das 892.98p 80,567 £719,447.20
29-Apr-24  Transfer From David J R Sleath 854.80p 23,259 £198,817.94
29-Apr-24  Transfer From Soumen Das 854.80p 16,482 £140,888.14
07-Mar-24  Buy Carol Fairweather 878.40p 8,000 £70,272.00

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
David J R Sleath 917,526 £6,710,785.28
Andy Harrison 564,755 £4,130,618.14
Soumen Das 455,641 £3,332,558.33
Simon Fraser 31,440 £229,952.16
Carol Fairweather 20,000 £146,280.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
BlackRock Inc 135,955,843 £994,381,053.34
Norges Bank 111,102,467 £812,603,458.05
APG Asset Management N.V. 73,411,178 £536,929,365.41
ABP (Algemen Burgerlijk PSF) 68,893,654 £503,888,194.29
State Street Global Advisors 54,981,456 £402,134,376.32
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.