Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
16-Jan-25  Buy Roger Blundell 69.90p 100,000 £69,900.00
20-Dec-24  Buy Sapna Shah 67.65p 2,954 £1,998.38
20-Dec-24  Buy Sapna Shah 67.58p 19,237 £13,000.37
20-Dec-24  Buy Sapna Shah 67.65p 8,865 £5,997.17
20-Dec-24  Buy Sapna Shah 67.65p 17,725 £11,990.96

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
24-May-24  Placing Andrew Nicholas Hewson 73.90p 529,887 £391,586.50
24-May-24  Placing Andrew Nicholas Hewson 73.90p 529,887 £391,586.50
24-May-24  Sell Andrew Nicholas Hewson 73.90p 529,887 £391,586.50
16-Jan-25  Buy Roger Blundell 69.90p 100,000 £69,900.00
06-Nov-24  Buy Andrew Nicholas Hewson 68.80p 75,000 £51,600.00

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Andrew Nicholas Hewson 1,405,609 £995,171.18
Jon Austen 305,339 £216,180.01
Vincent Prior 213,432 £151,109.86
Cathryn Vanderspar 125,802 £89,067.82
Sapna Shah 118,862 £84,154.30
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Smith and Williamson Holdings Limited 91,946,704 £65,098,266.83
Schroders plc 63,131,941 £44,697,414.50
Schroders plc 63,131,941 £44,697,414.50
Evelyn Partners Limited 62,300,436 £44,108,708.96
Close Asset Management Limited 62,147,569 £44,000,479.12
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.