Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
21-Nov-24  Buy Alan Bannatyne 349.50p 13,033 £45,550.33
16-Oct-24  Sell Snehal Shah 335.00p 66,830 £223,880.49
05-Jul-24  Sell Ben Bramhall 315.00p 509,380 £1,604,547.05
05-Jul-24  Sell Paul Cuff 315.00p 258,534 £814,382.12
03-Jul-24  Sell Snehal Shah 318.00p 113,302 £360,300.37

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
05-Jul-24  Sell Ben Bramhall 315.00p 509,380 £1,604,547.05
05-Jul-24  Sell Paul Cuff 315.00p 258,534 £814,382.12
03-Jul-24  Sell Ben Bramhall 318.00p 160,965 £511,868.71
03-Jul-24  Sell Paul Cuff 318.00p 143,847 £457,433.47
03-Jul-24  Sell Snehal Shah 318.00p 113,302 £360,300.37

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Paul Cuff 1,135,945 £4,214,355.99
Ben Bramhall 846,642 £3,141,041.85
Snehal Shah 210,951 £782,628.22
Alan Bannatyne 49,627 £184,116.17
Margaret Snowdon 30,303 £112,424.13
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
AXA Investment Managers 31,255,742 £115,958,804.01
Aggregate of abrdn plc 28,000,120 £103,880,446.27
Gresham House Asset Management Ltd 19,880,238 £73,755,683.74
BlackRock, Inc. 18,878,878 £70,040,638.10
JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings Inc. 15,595,917 £57,860,852.66
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.