Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
14-Nov-24  Buy Jack Callaway 52.85p 50,000 £26,426.00
14-Oct-24  Buy Peter Rollings 64.30p 566 £363.94
14-Oct-24  Buy Annette Andrews 64.37p 151 £97.20
30-Sep-24  Buy Nigel Rich CBE 62.50p 19,898 £12,436.25
18-Sep-24  Buy Nigel Rich CBE 64.36p 5,611 £3,611.24

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
07-Aug-24  Buy Jack Callaway 64.00p 50,000 £32,000.00
14-Nov-24  Buy Jack Callaway 52.85p 50,000 £26,426.00
28-Mar-24  Buy Nigel Rich CBE 53.70p 23,159 £12,436.38
28-Jun-24  Buy Nigel Rich CBE 66.00p 18,843 £12,436.38
30-Sep-24  Buy Nigel Rich CBE 62.50p 19,898 £12,436.25

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Nigel Rich CBE 1,089,163 £718,847.61
Guy Gittins 313,793 £207,103.39
Jack Callaway 200,000 £132,000.01
Peter Rollings 160,715 £106,071.90
Chris Hough 140,000 £92,400.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
BC Partners 62,970,059 £41,560,240.59
3G Capital Management LLC 28,717,285 £18,953,408.85
Platinum Investment Management Limited 23,263,759 £15,354,081.55
Aberforth Partners LLP 18,715,635 £12,352,319.59
RUSSELL INVESTMENTS GROUP, LTD 17,723,934 £11,697,796.90
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.