Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
03-Sep-24  Sell Martin Brand 12,630.00p 79,996 £10,103,495.04
03-Sep-24  Sell Martin Brand 12,630.00p 19,992 £2,524,989.66
30-Aug-24  Sell Martin Brand 10,250.40p 1,515 £155,293.56
30-Aug-24  Sell Martin Brand $102.50 6,053 $511,633.50
28-Aug-24  Sell Martin Brand 10,215.30p 5,600 £572,056.80

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
17-May-24  Sell Martin Brand 9,150.00p 14,320,787 £1,310,352,010.50
11-Sep-23  Sell Martin Brand 7,950.00p 14,966,652 £1,189,848,834.00
11-Sep-23  Sell Martin Brand 7,950.00p 6,919,827 £550,126,246.50
11-Sep-23  Sell Martin Brand 7,950.00p 3,600,745 £286,259,227.50
17-May-24  Sell Martin Brand 9,150.00p 2,979,037 £272,581,885.50

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
David Schwimmer 150,100 £15,280,180.46
Don Robert 10,000 £1,018,000.03
Michel-Alain Proch 9,314 £948,165.23
Dominic Blakemore 2,294 £233,529.21
Cressida Hogg 1,683 £171,329.41
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Borse Dubai Limited 47,466,856 £4,832,126,085.66
Qatar Holding LLC 31,528,460 £3,209,597,324.22
The Capital Group Companies, Inc. 26,004,132 £2,647,220,716.96
BlackRock Inc 25,365,288 £2,582,186,395.81
York Holdings II Limited 21,840,907 £2,223,404,399.25
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.