Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
12-Sep-24  Sell Antoine Forterre 212.07p 49,158 £104,249.36
02-Aug-24  Buy Anne Wade 233.80p 12,000 £28,056.00
28-May-24  Buy Dixit Joshi 261.32p 38,183 £99,778.82
07-Mar-24  Sell Antoine Forterre 249.40p 75,484 £188,257.09
07-Mar-24  Sell Robyn Grew 249.40p 258,976 £645,886.13

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
07-Mar-24  Sell Robyn Grew 249.40p 258,976 £645,886.13
07-Mar-24  Sell Antoine Forterre 249.40p 75,484 £188,257.09
12-Sep-24  Sell Antoine Forterre 212.07p 49,158 £104,249.36
28-May-24  Buy Dixit Joshi 261.32p 38,183 £99,778.82
02-Aug-24  Buy Anne Wade 233.80p 12,000 £28,056.00

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Antoine Forterre 1,112,295 £2,464,845.81
Robyn Grew 753,575 £1,669,922.26
Richard Berliand 75,000 £166,200.01
Anne Wade 56,000 £124,096.00
Dixit Joshi 38,183 £84,613.53
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Greater Manchester Pension Fund 85,872,852 £190,294,246.91
Aggregate of Standard Life Aberdeen Plc 76,762,396 £170,105,475.69
TIAA-CREF Investment Management 67,877,246 £150,415,982.57
Silchester International Investors LLP 60,389,137 £133,822,332.43
Odey Asset Management LLP 58,032,894 £128,600,897.75
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.